Saturday, September 06, 2008

Friday: To the dentist and beyond!

So, yesterday I had an appointment with an oral surgeon so that they could tell me that I needed to get my wisdom teeth out. It was a fast appointment, but I decided to go ahead and to bike there. Good times!

I gave myself an hour and a half to get to Oak Park, but it only took about an hour. It was a very nice ride. I went all the way west out to Harlem. Then I had to go back to downtown.

Check out my route:

Also of note. I did bike through some kind of sketchy neighborhoods, by myself, on the bike. I know a lot of women are pretty concerned when they bike through iffy areas (and these weren't all that bad considering everything). The key thing I feel is that you want to pick your times. I probably won't have felt as comfortable in the afternoon, but since it was early there were lots of commuters and kids heading to school. It was great to see so many people around. When it was midmorning and there were fewer people about, I definitely kept myself much more aware of my surroundings.

Between biking to the oral surgeon, and then to work and then back home, it was just under 30 miles for the day. I wish I could I have more days like that!

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