Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bike Dreams

It was actively snowing today, so I rode the train in to work. Not my favorite thing to do, but I’ve been impressed lately that the trains are a lot faster. Since I didn’t ride, I’m going to do something very annoying and talk about what happened in some recent dreams. Sorry.

I’ve been having biking creeping into my dreams. I’m usually a fairly vivid and action packed dreamer. Sleeping for me is kind of like going to the movies and having the bikes thrown in is definitely exciting.

Two recent ones were entertaining. In one I must have been on my cross county bike trip because I was at my Aunt’s house in Anacortes, WA. We got in a huge fight so I stormed off on my bike down to the little convenience/grocery store that is a couple of blocks away. Well, it was no longer a convenience store, it was now an Ethiopian restaurant. I wanted some food, but I needed to find a place to lock up my bike. We went out back and I talked to the Ethiopians and hung out by my bike. That was about it, not very exciting at all.

The next dream was much more interesting. I was biking around Ravenswood Manor in Chicago. As I approached an intersection I noticed a bike parked and I guy just kind of standing around. This immediately clued me in…this was a stop sign running sting! Well, that pissed me off cause, but I still ran the stop sign. The guy (who was an Active Transportation Alliance volunteer) started running after me with the intent to tackle me off of my bike. I knew he was going to do that, so I went to out run him, and was successful. Once I was clear, I got off of my bike and starting yelling at the guy. I was pissed and basically yelled until it was time to wake up.

Oh, I think that somewhere along the line my bike’s brake lever broke and that made me even angrier. Damn stop sign nannies.

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