Thursday, January 29, 2009

Line of Sight Conversation Devices

This morning I rode in with my friend Anne. We did a little bit of chatting while talking. I wish it were easier to talking while riding single file down a street with lots of cars. Actually, that brings to mind a great idea.

A couple of months ago I read a Nancy Drew book. Actually it wasn’t JUST a Nancy Drew Book, it was a Nancy Drew: All New Girl Detective book. I was only reading it because it was a bike race mystery. . It was called Nancy Drew: A Race Against Time.

The book itself was rather forgettable, but they did have some neat gadgets. I like that Nancy Drew and her pals are all high tech. I wonder where they get the money?

So the best gadget was a helmet radio transceiver. I don’t know much about racing, but I can’t imaging that most racers would use them cause they are probably heavy.

Now what I’m thinking would be cool would be to set up a kind of CB radio system for people on bikes. .I’d only want to do line of sight. It would kind of be like the Nintendo DS (I once talked to some people in a different car on the interstate in Pictochat), but we’d be talking verbally.

Of course, we’d only be talking in one ear and would still be able to hear everything else going on around the bike, but having a better means of talking would definitely make group rides much more interesting for me.

I’m sure a product like this already exists, but it would be even cooler if everyone had one and you could just beam your voice directly to the other cyclists. It would probably also serve to get rid of a lot of miss connections on Craigslist.

Now, if it were like CB Radio I wonder what my nickname would be? JamisJami? GarbageDay? Balloonbiker? The possibilities are endless.

1 comment:

Suchandra Thapa said...

Just fyi, most pro racers have receivers and earpieces on. It doesn't have any send capabilities but allows them to get instructions and updates from their race directors during races.