Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring is coming! Today I saw little leaf buds coming out. I also saw some crocuses coming up. Yay for greenery!

The weather was gorgeous again today. However, it's supposed to get kind of nasty tomorrow and last for the rest of the week. I must admit that doesn't bother me that much. I'm a Seattle native and I've always wondered why people here in Chicago seem to get so upset when they get splashed with a little rain. It's just water after all.

Anyway, the ensuing rain will hopefully clear out the Lakefront path. Last night it was like a madhouse. Everyone and their dog and their mother was outside. I've discovered why other people so dislike rollerbladers. They are usually wearing headphones in both ears, they take up a lot of room and they don't go all that fast and they aren't predictable. Grrr rollerbladers! I can't really blame everyone et al for wanting to be outside yesterday, it was beautiful...ah well, I'll have to learn to live with them.

Mileage: approximately 50 commuting miles

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